Training to improve
your Green IT skills

Our experts will give you the skills you need to manage your company's Green IT strategy. Master the tools and practices needed to achieve your objectives.

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Why do a training in Green IT?

Become an expert
Green IT

Discover our Green IT training courses, led by experts in the field and designed to provide an in-depth understanding of Green IT. Learn more about the topics that interest you.


How our training courses work?

Our training courses take place over 3 half-days, mixing learning, discussion and teamwork with practical exercises. Participants include IT, sustainability, HR, purchasing, communications and marketing professionals. Courses are also suitable for people wishing to learn more about the environmental and social impact of technology and how to reduce it. Maximum 12 participants.

Day 1

Raising awareness of the environmental and social challenges of digital technology through videos and a fun workshop. Discover good digital practices at work, at home and on vacation.

Day 2

Training on Green IT strategy in an organization. Aligne your company’s IT and sustainability objectives. Examples of Green IT strategies from other companies.

Day 3

Implement into your organization what you have learned. Develop a customized Green IT strategy and concrete action plan. Discover tools to define and manage your internal Green IT strategy.

On successful completion of the course, you will be awarded a skills certification.
This certification is recognized by the international Sustainable IT label.

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Discover our one-day training courses

Pilars of Green IT

Discover the environmental and social footprint of the digital world and master the basics of Green IT approach.

Sustainable IT purchasing

Integrate sustainability and ethical criteria into your IT purchases and tenders: labels, sustainability criteria and best practices.

Web eco-design

Learn simple best practices for a lightweight, sober and high-performance website.
Discover free tools to measure your website's footprint and accessibility.

Training calendar

Our experts are always
close to you





Frequently asked questions

All you need to know about
our training courses

You can also request customized training
on your premises - just ask us!

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